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How Does One Use Quakespasm For Mac

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  1. How Does One Use Quakespasm For Mac Pro
  2. How Does One Use Quakespasm For Mac Os
  3. How Does One Use Quakespasm For Mac

Quakespasm-IRC is a modification of the popular Quake 1 engine Quakespasm to support IRC chat. IRC in Quake.! Download here:,. Extra info: The mod uses the codebase, with the library. No extra downloads should be required other than what is in the archive file provided.

How Does One Use Quakespasm For Mac Pro

Windows and Linux (sorry mac uses) binaries are provided in the archive file too. Important note: DO NOT SET YOUR PASSWORD ON STREAM. Be aware that the password is recorded in clear text in the config.cfg file. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ON STREAM.

Usage: Launch the executable as per normal. There are a number of new commands that upon load will be available from the console. It is strongly suggested that the command messagemode3 gets bound to akey for use in game. This can be performed by typing “bind x messagemode3”, where x is the key of your choice. Once connected with the commands below, IRC communications will appear both in the console and will be echoed on the top of the play screen. You can communicate to the IRC channel in game with the key you bound to messagemode3.

  1. Music playback QuakeSpasm supports ogg, mp3 and wav external music files to be played instead of cd music. What you should do is simple: 1. Use your favorite cd-ripper application and rip your quake cdrom audio tracks, convert them to ogg or mp3 so they occupy less space, like track02.ogg, track03.ogg, etc. Note #1: There is no such thing as track01: the first tracks of original Quake and the.
  2. Upgrade to macOS Mojave. If you don’t have broadband access, you can upgrade your Mac at any Apple Store. Learn more about how to upgrade to macOS Mojave. General Requirements. Peer-to-peer AirPlay requires a Mac (2012 or later) and an Apple TV (3rd generation rev A, model A1469 or later) with Apple TV software 7.0 or later.

Output of the IRC connection is saved to ircout.log in the quake root directory. Setup Commands:.

“ircserver (arg)”: Echoes the server name stored in config.cfg or sets it with the text following (Either as IP or as hostname, at this stage SSL is not supported). “ircpassword (arg)”: Default is Will not echo to console, but will set it from the text following (Note that the password is set in plaintext in the config.cfg, so don’t share it and don’t set it on stream).

If no password is required it can be set to null with “”. “ircport (arg)”: Default is 6667.

How does one use quakespasm for mac pro

Echoes the IRC port stored in config.cfg or sets it with the text following. “ircnick (arg)”: Default is “Player”. Echoes the IRC nick stored in config.cfg or sets it with the text following. “ircchannel (arg)”: Default is “#Default”. Echoes the IRC channel stored in config.cfg or sets it with the text following. Requires “#” to preceed the channel name. Usage Commands:.

“ircconnect”: Connects to the server specified during setup. “ircdisconnect”: Disconnects the server. “ircjoin (arg)”: Joins the channel specified in setup OR join the channel in the text following. “ircpart (arg)”: Leaves the channel specified in setup OR leaves the channel in the text following. Twitch Instructions: To connect to twitch you need to use the following:. “ircserver”: “irc.chat.twitch.tv”. “ircport”: “6667”.

“ircnick”: Must be your twitch username. “ircpassword”: Must be an OAuth token (accessible here: ). “ircchannel”: Your channel name (note this is case sensitive) Known issues: Extended charactersets are not supported and will not display correctly. Technically you can connect to multiple channels at once, however at present only supports chatting to one channel. It is suggested that only one channel is used at a time. If the connection fails or is slow to connect the terminal may loop error messages.

If it becomes apparent that the connection isn’t going to occur, use the ircdisconnect command to halt the message loop. Special thanks: Id software for their awesome game, the developers of Quakespasm! Seriously, what an engine, and George Yunaev for his work on his IRC library that made this possible. I would like to express my thanks to the following people for their help and encouragement with this mod.

EricW and Baker, for their knowledge of the engine and pointing me in the correct direction when I was lost. Grummlor for his patience and listening to me bitch and moan about learning to code in C. Oh and happy belated birthday Quake!

How does one use quakespasm for mac pro

CleanMyMac X is MacPaw’s catch-all software crud and gunk remover for the Mac. This version swings for the fences, with new features such as a malware scanner, extensions manager, and a universal updater for all of your application programs. This is in addition to CleanMyMac X’s core functions, which include tools for smart cleanup, system junk, mail attachments, iTunes junk, trash bins, a large and old files scanner, privacy scanner, and application uninstaller.

IDG CleanMyMac X's new menu bar menu. CleanMyMac X is also complimented by an improved menu bar menu that can be clicked to take note of handy information such as available hard drive space, available RAM, network connectivity speed, CPU usage, and a quick means of opening your Dropbox account. An improved Notification system lets you know which programs are lagging or suspended, but isn’t as obtrusive as seen in previous versions of CleanMyMac. As with previous versions, the modules work well, and users can either performed generalized, overarching system scans or embrace a fair degree of customization and specify what they want looked into and to what extent. CleanMyMac X has built on its core strengths of finding gigabytes of assorted crud—cache files, unused language files, and duplicate files—to clear up room at a speedier pace than previous versions.

Handy modules New modules such as Extensions and Updater come in handy. With the Extensions module (which almost harkens back to Mac OS 9’s Extensions Manager), you can quickly manage extensions without having to dive too deeply into the macOS. The applications updater, in turn, provides a quick means of finding every application you have and updating them on the fly, which becomes almost addictive in its ease of use and functionality. As with CleanMyMac 3, the Large & Old Files module helps you quickly see what files are devouring the most space on your hard drive and quickly erase them at will.

This pairs well with the Uninstaller module, which helps you quickly locate your application programs and erase them as well as their support files to rid them from your Mac forever. IDG The Large & Old Files module. All this combines with a decent new Maintenance module, which offers an assortment of system-level clean up scripts (Free Up RAM, Run Maintenance Scripts, Flush DNS Cache, Speed Up Mail, Rebuild Launch Services, Reindex Spotlight, Repair Disk Permissions) to help free up resources. The effort is appreciated, but free utilities such as have historically done this better with more modules and customization. Malware module Unfortunately, the Malware module is where things fall apart. Over the course of days of testing, I installed several pieces of known Mac malware and adware on a MacBook Pro running macOS 10.14.1 Mojave. These samples included MacKeeper, assorted free-and-questionable video players, and entirely questionable utilities that purport to speed up your Mac yet historically find “infections,” change your web browser and search engine preferences, activate the speaker to tell you that your Mac has been corrupted, and advise you to call an 800 number where a technician can help resurrect your computer for a fee.

How Does One Use Quakespasm For Mac Os

Upon running CleanMyMac X’s Malware module, which claims to be able to find and clean out malware with confidence, the module missed every beat, locating none of the malware or adware and happily reporting back that my Mac was clean, devoid of malware and ready to go. I used a free version of to locate the malware, quarantine it, delete it, reboot my MacBook Pro, and ensure that the malware was gone. IDG The Malware module reported a clean sheet during testing, despite the fact that we purposely installed known malware on the test platform. This presents an enormous problem and unless MacPaw improves upon the malware module, this feels like you’ve opened the gates to malware and adware on your Mac if you’re only using CleanMyMac X for protection. MacPaw says that they are working on an update to address this issue. CleanMyMac X retails for $39.95 for a one-year subscription for a single user and $89.95 for a one-time payment for a single user with the MacPaw store offering different purchase tiers depending on. The software is available in a trial version, which lets you run as many scans as you want, clean up to 500MB of system junk, and run assorted tools a limited number of times.

How Does One Use Quakespasm For Mac

Bottom line CleanMyMac X has a fair amount going for it, especially in terms of its speed, new modules, and improved user interface, and it could represent a significant step forward for the program. Sadly, the Malware module seems to be where MacPaw has shot itself in the foot and will need to spend a number of caffeine-fueled evenings fixing this in a forthcoming update. Still, this doesn’t have to be an absolute deal breaker, and, if coupled with a focused malware utility such as Malwarebytes, CleanMyMac X does offer its own advantages with its core advantage of removing gigabytes upon gigabytes of system junk in tact and worth consideration.